Thursday, 5 September 2019

Things to Consider When Picking an Open Face Helmet Online

Many people who commute within the city prefer open face helmet only, it is not because they find the other styles to complex but its simply because when a purpose is getting solved with open face, why wear the heavy burden on your head. And truly the full face or flip-up helmets are made for those who travel long distances and cover the uneven path. They need to cover their full face, from head to chin and even below. With open face helmet too you get the full protection, however, make sure that helmet for bike is always the best buy so that you do not feel uncomfortable for even a second.

Visor and vents

The visor is the front shield that keeps your vision safe from dust and any extreme weather conditions like rains, harsh winds or sunshine. They play a significant role in keeping your rides smooth, as, when you won’t feel itchy and pricky in your eyes, you will automatically drive right. However, the visor in question tends to get scratches very easily. Moreover, it absorbs dust that makes your sight blurry. Thus, while searching for open face helmets online, make sure that the visor is polycarbonate material so that you do not face either of the problems; Though free flow of air is generally not the issue with open face helmets and they are open and allows you breath, still make sure that the helmet contains vent on the top so that the hot air which gets collected can be easily released and you do not feel uneasy.


Gone are the days when helmet for bike was restricted to just one style, now even open face helmet comes with the latest features that not only add an edge to your dressing but also makes you ultra-comfortable. These are mostly unisex and available in a variety of colours from quirky pink to bold blue, the choice is yours.

Size is one of the most ignored factors while buying headgear online. Shopping from the store is easier in a way because you can wear it and assure the right size at least, but online you need to do your homework. Measure the dimension of your head from any hat and order open face helmets online accordingly. All sizes from S to L, are available at Do not buy too tight or too loose.


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